Let's talk FOOT

It’s hard to do a touchdown dance if your feet are hurting. Foot and ankle pain is a real problem for many people, on and off the field. Due to the fact that there are so many bones and joints down there, the risk of injury and the types of recovery processes run the gamut. Since ankle twists can happen in a high heel or a hightop, everyone is a possible candidate for this type of pain. The feet and ankles seem to be gluttons for punishment.

But that’s okay. Dr. Tessier is well-experienced and well-equipped to handle any orthopedic need you have. While getting off your feet is the first step to healing them, there’s a lot more that goes into treating the pain in those complex collections of bone, muscle and ligaments we all put to the test every single day.


Like we said, the foot is complex. 26 bones and 33 joints, and that’s not mentioning the 3 bones connecting to your ankle, which is bundle of ligaments and tissue. You need a road map to get around down there and luckily Dr. Tessier knows the area. There are several types of condition the feet and ankles can be suffering with from an almost infinite catalyst. Usually traumatic injury during a sporting activity, care accident or underlying existing medical condition is the cause, but only the doctor knows for sure. Typical foot and ankle issues may be:


  • Achilles tendonitis. An injury of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone.
  • Ankle fracture. A  partial or complete break in the bone.
  • Ankle sprain. When the ankle has been rolled, twisted, or turned in an unnatural way.
  • Bunion. A bony bump on the big toes that forms on the joint at the base.
  • Hammer toe. Where the toe bends left or right in the middle joint.
  • Heel spur. A pointed bony outgrowth on the heel.
  • Pinched nerve. Burning, tingling, or numb sensation.
  • Plantar fasciitis. Where the thick tissue that connects the toes and heel becomes inflamed.
  • Osteoarthritis. When the flexible tissue at the end of the bones begins to wear down.


Since there are so many possible foot and ankle injuries and conditions, there are also a wide variety of treatments to alleviate and manage the pain. While the old standbys of rest and ice packs can work for a brief time, the following options will typically offer better, lasting results:

  • OTC pain relievers. A quick go-to, over-the-counter pain medication may reduce swelling and ease pain.
  • Pads, arch supports and/or inserts. Devices to add inside the shoe to cushion the feet, support the ankle and often disperse their burden.
  • Physical therapy. Certain physical exercises done in repetition to loosen muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  • Steroid injections. Specialized medications injected directly into the joints to reduce inflammation.
  • Fusion surgery. A surgery that involves fusing bones together with the use of rods, pins, screws, or plates.
  • Joint replacement surgery. A surgery that involves replacing the ankle joint with artificial implants.


The last two surgeries will be a last resort situation, used only if and when other less-invasive treatments prove unsuccessful. Dr. Tessier will discuss any and all treatment options after a proper diagnosis has been determined.

Get back in the game. Contact Dr. Tessier now.