Let's talk Concussion

Football. Car accident. Work injury. A concussion is a serious condition where your brain was bounced around inside your skull due to a major impact. The danger of a concussion is that it may not be detectable for hours, or even days, after the injury occurs. Dr. Tessier specializes in sports medicine, so he’s more than qualified to treat such a delicate injury and has performed countless treatments for those who have suffered head injuries and concussions.

Since it’s not typical for any swelling or redness – obvious signs that something is physically wrong – the typical items such as rest or ice packs aren’t quite enough here. If you think you’ve suffered a concussion, immediate expert care is required.


A concussion is considered a traumatic head injury due to the impact the brain endured. The shaking of brain inside the skull from the fall, hit or jarring can result in temporary memory loss and overall sensitivity, and multiple concussions over time may result in permanent damage. Symptoms can be instantly obvious such as a headache or blurred vision, but as we stated above, sometime symptoms don’t show up immediately and it becomes a guessing game unless you seek the advice of a medical professional.


  • Headache. A persistent and prolonged headache may form.
  • Fatigue. An overall sense of physical fatigue and muscle weakness may occur.
  • Cognitive. Short-term or long term memory loss, confusion or a “cloudy” feeling may be experienced.
  • Sleepliness. The feeling of needing rest and sleep may be overwhelming.
  • Nausea/Vomiting. Sudden nausea or vomiting may occur.
  • Light sensitivity. Eyes may feel over-sensitive to bright light.


There is no specific treatment for concussions, but there are good rules of thumb to go by. The first being consulting a doctor who specializes in such injuries such as Dr. Tessier. Below are other ways a concussion may be cared for:

  • Limit TV time. Temporarily reducing the TV and video games helps to lessen the chance of eye strain and overexertion which can hinder the healing process.
  • Medication. If advised by the doctor, typical for headache pain medications and/or anti-nausea medications can be used in moderation.
  • Rest. Perhaps the most basic, this should be done to give the body time to heal. However, rest only after consulting with the doctor to avoid unwanted concerns.
  • Expert monitoring. Being under the watchful eye of Dr. Tessier while healing from a concussion is vital to ensure no adverse conditions arise from the initial injury.
  • Therapy. Some therapy may be offered to help speed up the recovery process.

Get back in the game. Contact Dr. Tessier now.